5-minute concept vacations

Westin’s 5-minute vacation interludes is a supersavvy deployment of a killer trend – the rising popularity of video and “immersive content” on the web. Travel video sites are already serving up a platter of YouTube-inspired journeys through popular destinations and unusual escapes. Big branded properties as well as lesser-known chains can harness video to build a new audience on the web. A few tips

– Serve up an engaging storyline as opposed to an interactive brochure
– Have real guests give testimonials
– Sell the property and brand (most travelers know where they want to go)
– Use humor, an offer or a surprising creative.

Published by

Vijay Dandapani

Co-founder and president of a New York based hotel company for 24 years. Grew the firm to five hotels in Manhattan and also developed a greenfield project at MacArthur airport, New York. Speaker at numerous prestigious forums including Economy Hotels World Asia, Lodging Conference, NYU, Columbia University Real Estate Roundtable, Baruch College's Zicklin School and ALIS. President and ceo of New York City Hotel Association since January 2017.